Galaxy Legion Forum

Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?
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Author:  TheBandit [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

How many NPC alerts are considered a lot? I don't know about you guys in EotS, but we regularly have about 8-12 Bosses alerted (at once sometimes), and several dozen elites throughout the day. And that's just the low ranks, I'd hate to think what our higher ranks get...

EDIT: Before anyone says about recruiting, I'm not recruiting.

Author:  TheBandit [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

Tree7304 wrote:
Every legion says they NPC a lot and have tons of elites alerted etc etc.
Just once I'd like to see people prove their legion NPCs as much as they say.

Personal pet peeve of mine that one day might go away.
At least Dark Mar plays along :P

Eots and GP NPC a lot.
Others allegedly NPC a lot

I would post a screenshot, but I still cant for the life of me remember how to get them on to here, or the path to follow...

Author:  DarkMar [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

Tree7304 wrote:
Eots and GP NPC a lot.
Others allegedly NPC a lot

in GP it depends a bit on what LM we are doing, and where or not the season NPC are worth hunting for
like most other legions, we have some members that kill a lot of NPC's, some members that kill NPC's when they need to for missions and seasons and other members that doesnt kill so many NPC's

LM NPC like Strazi Combatant that can be shared, isnt a huge problem, we just finished Incursion into Gartith with a high chance and a 100% completion rate on task 1 (the hunt for Strazi Combatant task)
but a few members still fail the 3 tougth NPC hunts (darmos drones, bralkir warships and Silthion exodrones) from time to time

with 30+ active NPC hunters it can get a bit crazy during seasons, and legion missions
I see 100+ elites/boss NPC shared in legion during the last 24 hours and the number can get a lot higher then that, if we get the right LM and the RNG wants to spawn elites

TheBandit wrote:
How many NPC alerts are considered a lot? I don't know about you guys in EotS, but we regularly have about 8-12 Bosses alerted (at once sometimes), and several dozen elites throughout the day. And that's just the low ranks, I'd hate to think what our higher ranks get....

8-12 boss NPC's at the same time doesnt realy say mutch
as it depends on how long it takes before they go down.... a DNC rarely last longer then 10 min in GP

Author:  Shadeslayer [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

Personally I have never failed a LM NPC hunt, including Darmos Drones and Silthion Exodrones.

What would you consider proof? And what do you consider 'a lot'?

Author:  Tree7304 [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

A lot of NPC alerts is gonna vary based on your rank and what you are used to.

I've been in legions where:

- people think its great having 2 or 3 hypergrids and a Dark Command Nexus on alert. On alert as in they are still up waiting for enough people to lock them.

- people NPC until they have 6 or 8 elites on their tabs and then they quit for the day. They think finding 6 or 8 is a lot and are satisfied with what they accomplished that day.

- 2 or 3 people NPC at the same time to kill each others 3 person elites to prevent blocked battle tabs. This usually results in a burst of 20 - 30 elites on random occasions all 3 people have free time and are online at the same time

- continuous stream of elites through 1 time zones active period,
example, lots of elites between 16 GST and 20 GST and then nothing until the next day

- absolutely no elites at all unless it there is an attack buff in the UST

Every legion varies or at least they used to. I can't say for sure since I haven't been in any other legions for over a year.

I currently see 237 NPC alerts in my news feed.
Doesn't include my elites or any elites I can't see (I am over rank 2000)

Purely my opinion but I would think if you see 50 alerts a day in your legion then your legion is doing just fine.
Again this number is going to really change based on your rank and the average rank of people in your legion.

Author:  TrinityThree [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

I can personally say EotS NPCs tons. The few times I go to EotS to trade for even just a few hours, my Newsfeed floods with Queens and fabs to the point that the scroll bar is already at the smallest size its restricted to. Remember, this is purely just from fabs and queens in a ~6 hour stay. Of course this may be slightly biased as it was during a seasonal, but still.

Author:  DarkMar [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

Tree7304 wrote:
people NPC until they have 6 or 8 elites on their tabs and then they quit for the day. They think finding 6 or 8 is a lot and are satisfied with what they accomplished that day.

wouldnt work for me,

it not uncommon that IF the RNG wants to spawn elites/boss NPC, that I find 15+ elites (mostly Silthion Queen, Telarys Carrier and Lazuli Fabrication Plant) + a few boss NPC's in the 2 to 3 hours it usealy take me to do a Hunt for Legion mission NPC's

so need my legion to help kill them when I share them, so my scanner doesnt get blocked

Author:  Tree7304 [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

For any legions wanting to compare during the Scruuge event, we will be counting how many NPCS are killed by our members throughout the event.
5 minutes of copy and paste into excel is what it took me to record all eots ship NPC kill counts.

For the last seasonal we killed 537,295 NPCS in our legion.

Author:  Shadeslayer [ Fri Dec 05, 2014 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

Tree7304 wrote:
For any legions wanting to compare during the Scruuge event, we will be counting how many NPCS are killed by our members throughout the event.
5 minutes of copy and paste into excel is what it took me to record all eots ship NPC kill counts.

For the last seasonal we killed 537,295 NPCS in our legion.

So how many total NPC's has Eots killed? Not just the last seasonal, but overall?

I'm also tracking how many NPC's SSA kills during this event. And yep, 5 min of copy paste is all it took to record that info.

Author:  Chloron [ Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

An update based on NPC count:
Total npcs killed from those in legion at the beginning of the Thangsgiving event: 508,187.
Of course there are those coming in and out whose stats weren't recoreded, but it gives you a general idea.

I encourage everyone to record their legion's player's starting counts for comparison after this coming event ends.

Author:  Tree7304 [ Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which legions are the heavy NPCing legions?

Shadeslayer wrote:
So how many total NPC's has Eots killed? Not just the last seasonal, but overall?

17,110,547 as of today.

We thought we might get some time to relax between the seasonal events but we've had Darmos Games twice :P

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