Galaxy Legion Forum

Should I reset?
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Author:  AnotherRich [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Should I reset?

Hi All

Loving this game, but entered into things a bit blind, I'm currently lvl 18 human explorer with the following stats

58 Decks
80 Cargo
132 Engineers
15 TO
15 Helm
25 Science

I have average planets, (only a couple) have completed research in all tiers to lvl 2 and the beginning of the 3rd tier in weapons... am now starting second tree in energy research and will focus on this.

I have read the forum guides and had a scan at the wiki, and am worried that I wasted some RP in the science and other crew, but its still pretty early - I will probably look to change race (and presumably profession?) in the not to distant future with the sphere

I will play a mix of PVP and mission

Question to the higher lvl's is; would you consider a reset dumping the wasted RP into decks and cargo - or is it early enough for this not to have a impact at later levels

Thanks Muchly & a Happy New Year to All!

Author:  Joseph [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

putting the RP into cargo was a waste but don't worry about decks, put RP into untell you to around rank 300, you should have enough artifact production that your be getting a ship bot or two a day that should take you the rest of the way.or if you really focus on artifact production, you could stop putting RP into decks at rank 200 or so.

Author:  bobdebouwer [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

at rank 18 you could reset and it wouldnt make much difference. If I was you the only reason I would reset would be if you have really bad planets but even that can be overcome.

If your not in a good legion with lvl 5 base get yourself in one and they will help you out. I would recommend Stormkyn Alliance Legion2, their base produces around 20k research a day, more then enough for you to be able to concentrate getting art and mining planets, dont worry about research too much.

You really need to be careful with the planets you colonize, I know you dont have too much of a choice when you start out but thats where being in a good legion really helps out.

Dont put rank points into cargo, helm or scientists. Decks, engineers and tactical officers are the most important.

Research planetary buildings and energy first. That will get you better production and you can rank faster, which will give more planet slots for more production.

Author:  AnotherRich [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

Thanks Guys, And Apologies Bobdebouwer. I clicked your sig, didn't realise it would actually send a request to join :s

Author:  Wolfy Minion [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

I have done way way worse at much higher levels. I am okay at rank 353 now. You can reset if you really want, but honestly you are fine. Just ask questions here and learn what to do for later down the road to over come mistakes you have already made.

If you do decide to reset please pm me first there is something I wanted to test out.

Author:  AnotherRich [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

Think I'm going to stick with it Littlefluffy - got two of the race sphere jobbies, would seem a waste to lose those :)

Author:  Wolfy Minion [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

You get three more artifacts that do the same thing from missions, so you know. Not say that is a reason to reset, just letting you know.

Author:  bobdebouwer [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

AnotherRich wrote:
Thanks Guys, And Apologies Bobdebouwer. I clicked your sig, didn't realise it would actually send a request to join :s

Lol np

Author:  bobdebouwer [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

Littlefluffy wrote:
You get three more artifacts that do the same thing from missions, so you know. Not say that is a reason to reset, just letting you know.

Not the right place for it but..

I can see you on my bt :D

Author:  mojo311 [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

I would say stick with it. You got the spheres and that will help a ton. But I wouldn't use them yet. Putting your Rp's in what you said you did is no big deal at a small rank. In fact they do more then your mods. But I would go more into decks if I where you. It will help so much more in the long run. Also try to stick with just one or two research chains at a time. Don't do them all at once. Go with energy for a few tiers then switch to planet building then maybe weapons. and so on but don't do one tier of each. Choose four or five and just go with them for now. I would have energy and planets in there for sure but then choose if you want to go PVP heavy or not. If you do go attack and hull if not then go defense and cloak. Its really up to you in the end you could just forget I said anything and do what you think is best for you I don't care just throwing ideas out there for you. lol

Author:  Frail [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

In the long term, there is nothing you can do in the first 20 ranks that can't be fixed.

But having said that, it's best to try to figure out how you want to play this game and gear your ship towards that direction.

On of the best aspects of this game is the human interactions, so try to find a legion that you enjoy being in.

Also, I believe there is a mission that gives you artifacts as a reward to change your race/professsion. (3 of them I think)

Author:  howesy [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

Frail wrote:
In the long term, there is nothing you can do in the first 20 ranks that can't be fixed.

But having said that, it's best to try to figure out how you want to play this game and gear your ship towards that direction.

On of the best aspects of this game is the human interactions, so try to find a legion that you enjoy being in.

Also, I believe there is a mission that gives you artifacts as a reward to change your race/professsion. (3 of them I think)

yeah, the 3rd zolazin mission. not easy to get there so early on , but 3 race change artifacts is worth it.

Author:  AnotherRich [ Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I reset?

Thks Mojo and others, sound advice - I've stuck with it and now have a game plan ;)

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